Rosa Maria Villarreal, Office Manager
Rosa Maria Villarreal is one of the founding members of Southwest Creations Collaborative. Over her time spent here she has been promoted from working in our Handwork Department to Office Manager. Through adult education courses required of SCC employees, she has completed her GED and Citizenship. She was able to be a core part of her granddaughters’ development as they grew up in our in house Daycare.
As Office Manager Rosy’s role is to handle all financial tasks, invoicing, employee time clock, and maintaining a positive company environment.
“Estoy muy orgullosa de ser una de las fundadoras de esta organización que me ha dado oportunidades y herramientas para salir adelante junto con mi familia en este país. El apoyo que he recibido de SCC ha sido laboral, personal y familiar, por eso doy gracias a Dios por la bendición de ser parte de esta maravillosa organización.”
“I am very proud to be one of the founders of an organization that has given me opportunities and tools to get ahead in this country along with my family. The support I have received from SCC has not only been professional, but also personal and with my family so I thank God for the blessing of being a part of this wonderful organization.”