Southwest Creations Collaborative Board of Directors (from left to right) Clare Zurawski, Isabelle Barreras, Elisa Breitbard, Flor Lopez, Karen Dunning, and Tamara Bates. Pictured below: Yasine Armstrong, Lawrence Rael and Linnea Bonacci.

Southwest Creations Collaborative Board of Directors (from left to right)
Clare Zurawski, Isabelle Barreras, Elisa Breitbard, Flor Lopez, Karen Dunning, and Tamara Bates. Pictured below: Yasine Armstrong, Linnea Bonacci, Karen Converse, Lawrence Rael, Marisa Saavedra-Gutierrez, and Antionette Tellez-Humble

We are lucky to have a dedicated Board of Directors that wholeheartedly supports our mission

  • Yasine Armstrong, Co-Founder,

  • Isabelle Barreras, Founding Member, Southwest Creations

  • Tamara Bates, Development Consultant

  • Linnea Bonacci, Partner, Neocapital Advisors, CFO/CPA

  • Elissa Breitbard, Entrepreneur, KinStitch

  • Karen Converse, Director of Manufacturing, Los Poblanos Historic Inn and Organic Farm

  • Karen Dunning, Consultant

  • Flor Lopez, Founding Member and Leadership Development Director, Southwest Creations

  • Lawrence Rael, CAO, City of Albuquerque

  • Marisa Saavedra-Gutierrez, Spatial Harmony

  • Antionette Tellez-Humble, Consultant

  • Clare Zurawski, Resource Development Specialist