Student Spotlight: Maria Toja
Maria Toja
“Sin Hacia el camino habría sido más difícil.”
Impact: Building Opportunity Across Generations
Hacia la Universidad Student Spotlight: Maria Toja
Maria Toja is a 2016 graduate of Albuquerque High School and the Hacia: Toward the University college transition program. As a high school student Maria took dual enrollment classes and obtained her bilingual seal. She attended many of Hacia’s tutoring sessions and workshops. In many ways, Maria has shown her great abilities and potential. A few weeks before graduation Maria was notified she was missing a credit and was not on the roster for graduation. With the help of Hacia, she was able to make up the credit and graduate on time.
As a first-generation college student, Maria has surpassed overwhelming barriers to become the first in her family to go to college. She is currently in her first semester at CNM.
“Her impact on our program is irreplaceable”